Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cookie #5 Chocolate Crackles

These are the craziest cookies ever!  LOL :)  They are chocolate with powdered sugar on the outside.  I'm trying to think if I've ever eaten anything like them to help describe the texture.  Ok...you know meringue cookies?  That sweet crumbly texture?  Combine that with just a bit of soft cookie texture and a little crunch from the sugar coating on the outside.  :p  Weird.  Good.  Yummy.  But sooooooo different from anything I've ever tried.  What fun!  (PS Mom & Dad Conn and Meghan get some of these as well. :D)


Jeremy said...

Why do you torture us gluten-free souls with these pictures!


Adam and Raechell said...

Don't worry, Andrea, I've found something to make for you and the boys when I send Jeremy his treat. Yours will be gluten free...and delish! :D