Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Alex Lost A Tooth

Alex came home from school with a tooth just hanging there. :)  Here it is once we pulled it.  She put it in the cutest little tooth holder to wait for her dollar from the tooth fairy.  (Who shamefully overslept and handed her the money upon waking in the morning.  Oh, Tooth Fairy...you aren't what you used to be! LOL) :D


Ray and Dodi's Place said...

Oh boy, another one gone. You are so very cute our little Alex..xoxoxxo

Bonnie and Fred said...

Nice going Alex. Save the tooth, I may need to borrow it soon.

Adam and Raechell said...

Isn't she cute!?!!! :)

Now Grandpa...or is this Grandma???? :O LOL :D

Bonnie and Fred said...

Must be Grandma, because you know Grandpa would never say anything like that. But you are right, she is very cute.

Jeremy said...

Ian was stunned when he saw this picture! haha He couldn't figure out why Alex was holding her tooth!

Congratulations Alex! One more down...