Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Conservative Thoughts

We knew the seriousness of this election, for our country & children, with so many justices being replaced and our economy in such a condition.  We were praying and so hoping for McCain/Palin.

We watched (Adam listened in the other company truck) to Obama becoming President Elect and we did what we told each other was what all Americans should do: Get behind Obama.  We agreed that no matter who won, they were now our leader and would receive our backing, our prayers and our support.  

I would just like to encourage anyone, who really wanted a different outcome (as we did) that those feelings of disappointment were ok last night, but today is a new day.  A New Hope.  Our prayers are with the soon-to-be new leaders of our country.  May you lead our one nation UNDER GOD that we all may be blessed.  

America truly is the greatest country on earth!  Be Blessed ya'll! :)


Jeremy said...

Awesome perspective, Shell... I am also looking forward to our country working together to solve the problems that we all face - Democrat and Republican. - JC

Bonnie and Fred said...

Amen, Amen, and Amen to that!!!

Adam and Raechell said...

JC~ Couldn't agree more.
Mom & Dad~ Ditto, ditto, ditto!:)

Merredith and Bruce said...

We were also McCain/Palin voters, but as you, we agree that even though disappointed in the outcome, Obama is now our next President and we as christians, and yes as a nation should stand behind our new leader and PRAY!! He has a BIG job ahead of him the next few years!! Merredith

Ray and Dodi's Place said...

Even though McCain/Palin were our choice as well. We will keep in perspective that God will always be in control today and in the future years to come. Yes, in total agreement to stand behind our new leaders. Very good perspective indeed.