Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve....our Christmas!

After a list of Pros & Cons to decide if we should make Christmas in our house...on Christmas Eve instead...we approved opening presents last night! :D  We are a house full of children, but there is a lot of love.  LOL
We stayed up until 1:30 am, when I had to make Sammie go to bed, Alex welcomed sleep. :p
We all slept in late and went to Mom and Dad Conn's for brunch.  Yummmm. 


Jeremy said...

I love that you did a pros and cons list. Too cute! And it looks like everyone was happy opening their gifts a little earlier than usual. Opening presents in the evening does sound nice...

Adam and Raechell said...

We were shocked at how much more relaxed our whole holiday was. I thought for sure our girls would wake up Christmas morning sad that it was over, but that wasn't even close to the case. They loved it and I have to say...our getting to sleep in until 10 am while they played with their new stuff...well that was a little bit of alright! :p