Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sammie Has Her Sharks!

Well, she waited two months and finally...they are here!  She named them: Bala-anna, Lara, Ruby, Spots, and her Algae Eater is named Allie.  Aren't they cute??!!!


Bonnie and Fred said...

Get the net ready. I am on the way with my rod&reel. Let the fun begin. Love, Grandma

Bonnie and Fred said...

Sam, your aquarium is looking great! You did a good job decorating it. Your sharks are awesome. I like their fins! Hope they live a long time!

Jeremy said...

So cool! I kept meaning to ask when they would arrive. How exciting! Great names too!

Jeremy said...

Don't you guys think this a little dangerous? I mean, if one of Adam's dolls... er, I mean action figures... were to fall into the water it would be a massacre - plastic limbs everywhere. (JK)

I love them... very cool, Ladies.
-Uncle Jeremy