Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Day of Summer Vacation

I must say, today was eventful, in that we were never bored, but relaxing in that we hardly left the house. :p
After a big breakfast of fried potatoes with green peppers & onions and hard boiled eggs.  The girls went  bike riding while I cleaned the kitchen.

Then it was on to reading and drawing for the early afternoon. 
Followed by me baking sugar cookies for our tea & talk time tonight, while our girls cleaned.  Alex vacuumed the whole house and dusted the living room while Sam cleaned the fish tanks and bathroom.  

They decided to have some action/adventure and played Lara Croft Legend for a while.

We eventually sat down to salad, steak & broccoli for dinner.  Yum.  It really hit the spot. :)

On my way to close the window tonight (it began raining) I noticed that the flowers out front were finally opening.  I thought Mom Conn might love to see them. :D

I must say, I hope all the days of summer vacation are this pleasant. :)


Bonnie and Fred said...

It does sound like you had an awesome day!! I hope the rest of the summer will be the same! Yes, the daylilies are pretty, a sure sign of summer.

Tasha Lehman said...

Wow, your summer vacation days are so vastly different from mine! Not peaceful, I'll just say that! Enjoyable, none the less though...

Adam and Raechell said...

LOL...mine were never like this a few years ago. Trust have are going to be one active woman for a while longer yet! :D But like yo said a different day but fun!

I read what you said to Adam as he passed by and he's probably because of Matt...probably. :D LOL Such a nice cousin.

Jeremy said...

Ah what a great day! I hope your whole summer is just as full, fun, and relaxing.