Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our day started like any other, I went to work.  Half way through my day I realized that I could take off at lunch time and not come back for the afternoon.  Adam was off of work.  We crawled in our mini-van and said, "What are we going to do?"  Spur of the moment doesn't come upon us very often, but wow, when it does!  It turns into the best day ever. :D
We started with lunch by the river front at a new Italian restaurant.  Amazing!  The waitress, the food, the river.  We finished up and headed out to have a look around the Hawkins Point Visitor Center.  We spent the day traveling around the waterfront, walking the beach and taking in all there was of a beautiful day.  
Memories cherished & moments to hold.  (((HUGS)))

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Glad you guys had some fun. I had to laugh at "a new Italian restaurant"... aren't there enough Italian restaurants in Massena? :)