Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Shout Out...

Just wanted to let everyone know what a great UNCLE our kids have. It was Uncle Jeremy to the rescue tonight. Sammie (for the second time) shut down our computer by accident. She plugged in something that a newer computer would probably have no problem with, but ours...she didn't like it so much. When Sam couldn't get it to turn on, she called me in.

Of course I had absolutely no idea what to do. After trying everything I could think of...not much there...I called Grandma and Grandpa for our family's computer knowledge guy...SUPER UNCLE JEREMY to the rescue. He made a suggestion and look...I'm on here blogging. Amazing.

We are so grateful for his help, that I had to share and say...the next time you are home...the (homemade) Snickerdoodles and Starbucks are on us! Thank You Uncle Jeremy. (((HUGS)))

Thank You so much Uncle Jeremy! You da best! (P.S thank you for the wrinkle in time book Aunt Andrea I love it!) -Alex
Thank you for saving my life, Sam :) (She isn't too dramatic. LOL)


Jeremy said...

Glad I could save all of your lives with my extensive Mac knowledge. :)

Andrea said...

So happy you like the book Alex! I've heard great things about Madeleine L'Engle books. (Did you know A Wrinkle in Time is a part of a series??) :)

Adam and Raechell said...

Yes, I did. I loved the book, it was so awesome. It was a little spiritual with God in it and it was sweet and really fun to read. I loved it. Thank you! :) Alex

Now we are going to have to look for the other books, you know!?!?!?! :D