Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Perhaps the thing that breaks me is sadness.  In those I love around me.  I need for others to be happy or I simply can't feel it for myself.
I spent the evening with someone close to me whose heart has been broken and I hurt for them.  The questions...the whys... they come in the sadness, with the tears and I am left wordless, remember my ancient pain and thinking I have no answers.  None.  I didn't then and I still don't now.
Except that time heals all wounds.  Those are my Nanny's words to me.  And so I share them, for the rest of the world to hear.  Time fades the brightest of colors and gives you a very different vantage point year after year of life.  It gets better.  It will get better.  The sadness that is fresh today will not be so in a matter of weeks and months...who knows what happiness awaits you just around the corner.  For tomorrow...is another day! (((HUGS)))

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