Happy New Year everyone! :) How did you spend your new years eve? Adam got off later in the evening and was able to finally tell me about the movie he just went to see the night before,
Django. I love to hear him describe a story. He is an awesome story teller. After talking and laughing, I went to bed when I was tired. :D No countdown to midnight for me. LOL I'm simply tired too early these days.
I decided upon waking to start the New Year by having a great breakfast. :) It was divine.
I sipped the coffee after breakfast while reading aloud to Alex from
the Help, by Kathryn Stockett
. She found the 530 page book when she was out shopping and suggested as our next read. She and I will read a book at the same time so that we can discuss it as we go along. Usually we read on our own time, but we were together.
Sammie brought home some new fabric and I am well aware that she will be creating something new for the next dance she has. (I love being a part of this with her. She is extremely creative.)
As I sit here typing I was thinking, I have no resolutions. Because as I live, each day, I learn more and more what living is all about. It is the simple moments. The daily ones that we share with everyone we love. The more we can appreciate these, the better life becomes.
To the coming year, may it be filled with many of life's greatest moments...the simple ones spent with those we love, to hold close and cherish. (((HUGS)))