Sunday, September 28, 2008

Voting In Barbie Town

We woke up this Sunday morning to find a vote taking place for the new President and Vice President of Barbie Town.  (Our Girl's name for their make-believe Barbie world.) :D

I felt they did a really great job.  With all that is taking place in the world right now, they are truly understanding it. 

On Sammie's dresser sit the candidates.  Starting with Haven on the left, Callie in the middle and Sasha on the far right.  (Apparently, they are very diverse in Barbie Town, anyone can run based on their experience and ability...even the cat!) :p
Here are their banners:  

Their platforms are: Haven wants everyone to become farmers.  Callie wants to see every Barbie with their own hair brush.  Sasha wants their to be freedom for all!  (Very good platforms in the Barbie world if you ask me. :D)

All of the Barbies asked questions in the debate first, followed by a they called it.  LOL Letting each Barbie vote Sasha won 17 votes, Callie 16 and Haven won 3 votes. 

President: Sasha
Vice President: Callie 

I was most impressed with the question about going to war.  A Barbie asked each candidate their position on sending troops off to war. 
 Sasha's reply, "It's unfortunate, but to have freedom we must be willing to protect our beliefs.  So, if I had to, to protect our world, I believe in sending troops off to war."
Callie's reply, "I have to admit that I agree with Sasha."
Haven's reply, "I don't believe in freedom, but farming!  We would all be farmers under me.  I wouldn't send people off to war."

I think our girls were really paying attention during our latest Presidential Debate the other night.  They kept questioning and adding thoughts.  I was thrilled to see them so active in this.  I know they can't vote yet, but when they are old enough, I feel they will make a wise informed decision.  

Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Evening

Dessert for this week...strawberry cupcakes topped with fluffy white frosting & red sprinkles in Tinkerbell wrappers. :D

In typical Monday night fashion, our girls have chosen opposite relaxation after a hard day at school.  Sam is off to the park on her bike with my ipod in tow.  She loves to swing and listen to music.  Since she doesn't have any recess in Jr High, I'm always glad to see her get outside!  Alex on the other hand had recess and just tonight got to pick out a new game.  She chose Ice Age.  I'm not sure if everyone remembers her laughing at the opening sequence of this movie when the Squirrel came out, but Lord...some things just never change.  She LOVES this new game.  
Me...I just finished cleaning up after dinner and frosting the cupcakes.  Grateful for another blessed day to be alive...missing my dear hubby who is working hard to take care of all of us. :)  Monday night...the night before our hectic week begins...I love them.

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Mom's Package came from Florida today!!!

The girls and I had fun after school today opening my mom's box from Florida. :)  Thanks Mom!  She sent us each a letter...there is even one for Adam.  She included baby coconuts, real sea shells from the beach, a Christian romance novel, Gone With The Wind memorabilia (thank you Nanny True), crafting patterns to make with the girls and maps with pictures of where they are in Florida.  This was such fun!  The girls asked if we could do this back for Nan and Papa...I thought this was a great idea.  So, you will be receiving a package from us soon! :D  Love you all!  XOXOXOXO

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First Football Game

Here are pics of all the girls at their first football game of the season. :)  The uniforms came in green...oops...sent back.  Alex was the only one in full uniform thanks to Nanette and Michaela Herne! :)  All the uniforms should be in by the next game.  But as you can see, it doesn't matter what they are wearing...they all love cheering!  It was such fun to hang out with all the other moms and chat.

Callie & Cheerleading Practice

I caught a picture of Callie this morning.  When winter comes and our front window fogs up after showers...she actually licks the window to make a spot to look out of.  LOL :D  She's so cute.  To prevent this, I usually get to the window before she does, but not this particular morning. 

The girls had their first cheerleading practice the other day!  Fun, fun!

Alex Lost A Tooth

Alex came home from school with a tooth just hanging there. :)  Here it is once we pulled it.  She put it in the cutest little tooth holder to wait for her dollar from the tooth fairy.  (Who shamefully overslept and handed her the money upon waking in the morning.  Oh, Tooth aren't what you used to be! LOL) :D

Money Tree?!!!

Now, Dad...all I heard growing up was, "Money doesn't grow on trees you know!"  Hummmm...and just how would you explain this find in our local mall???? :D  Teehee.  

Monday, September 8, 2008

Waking The Dead by: John Eldredge

Just finished reading: Waking The Dead by: John Eldredge

I have to say I am unsure when I have read a book full of so much wisdom.  It was truly amazing, insightful and helped me understand why some things happen as they do.   I found myself looking things up in my Bible, highlighting things I needed to reread and praying in new ways.  It's just full of wisdom, wisdom, wisdom!  I highly recommend this read.  Enjoy! :)

***Page 218...It works like this: hyenas cannot bring down a lion in its prime.  What they do is run it and taunt it and wear it down to the point of exhaustion.  Once they see it cannot defend itself, then they close in.  The strategy of our Enemy in the age we live in now is busyness or drivenness.  Ask the people you know how things are going.  Nine out of ten will answer something to the effect of "really busy."  Every time I call another ministry I get voice mail.  "They're busy right now, can I put you into voice mail?"  The deadly scheme is this: keep them running.  That way, they'll never take care of their hearts.  We'll burn them out and take them out.  I don't want to be taken out.  Others are counting on me.  I must care for my heart as my first line of defense....

Just an excellent book!

Mom Conn's Birthday Celebration!!!!

Mom Conn turns 60 years old today!!! :D  Last night, we all came together at our local Pizza Hut and had dinner.  Yum, yum...a good time had by all. :)  We love you Mom...Happy Birthday!

Friday, September 5, 2008

First Day Of School!

Our morning was chaotic to say the least, but fun. :)  Both girls got out on time.  (With me forgetting to get pics of Sam before school...and then after because she called me to pick her up...she was sick.  So, I grabbed to pics of her at home...and felt so bad for her.) :(  Running a fever of 101.8 and having a sore throat...we picked up Alex after she got out and went straight to the Doctor.  She's doing much better today with the antibiotic already working.  Thank God we got it quick.  We all chatted in the doctor's office and they told me about their schools and teachers.  They had a great time...even Sammie while being sick.  I was so glad to hear that. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our Girls & Grapple

Sam and Alex are in the same Sunday School class now.  It's part of an on-line program called  They were both so cute coming out to the living room to ask me questions about the Bible.  I had to sneak in and see what they were up to when they got quiet.  :p